Message from the President
A university is a beacon of human civilization, a hallmark of humanity and a centre for cultivating talent for the benefit of society. It has the responsibility to guide society and foster an ideal future. A university carries the important mission of promoting human resources, scientific research, social services and cultural communication. Whether these powerful ideals can be achieved depends on how far each person involved can see and how strong they are.
A university is also a gateway to the world. Offering opportunities for science beyond borders and educational globalization, the university has the responsibility to help students understand the world, be prepared for a changing world and educate them with the knowledge and skills necessary to address complex issues such as global climate change and economic and energy sustainability.
The fundamental basis of how a university becomes a university is not just its physical existence but its cultural and spiritual manifestation. After a long period of exploration and progress, Krirk University has accumulated a profound cultural heritage and developed the unique “Krirk Spirit”, which is widely recognized as the essence of erudition and virtue, knowledge, action and self-improvement. This cultural lineage is not only present on the campus but also influences students and alumni on a lifelong basis. It has become the spirit of Krirk University and the foundation of its growing influence.
Krirk University is a student-centered, teaching-focused and research-oriented university. Every faculty and staff member of Krirk University is an important part of the university’s development and progress. Krirk University is particularly strong in the areas of teaching and academic research and it has the vision of becoming a comprehensive, world-class, research-oriented university.
Standing at a new historical turning point, we have a long way to go. Looking forward to the future, we need to nurture excellence in our students, imbue them with culture and traditions, guide them to think independently and in innovate ways, while enabling them to develop noble personalities and ambitious ideals. We need to gather talented people from all over the world and allow them to develop their strengths with freedom, tolerance and trust. We will work together with all partners to support the future of humanity.